“The Privilege of Pressure.”
As we close the chapter on another year and look ahead to 2025, I’ve been reflecting on a phrase that resonated deeply with me during a recent event: “The privilege of pressure.” This concept struck a chord and has lingered in my thoughts ever since. Pressure is something I’ve carried for most of my life as a leader. Like a birthmark or a persistent ache, it’s always been there, an unacknowledged part of the journey. But hearing it described as a “privilege” gave me pause and sparked a deeper exploration.
Curious, I turned to good ol’ Google for a definition, and here’s what I found: “The privilege of pressure means that feeling pressure in a situation is actually a positive thing, signifying that you are being given an important opportunity or being trusted with a significant task, which not everyone gets to experience.”
Wow. What a perspective shift. How often do we focus on the deadlines, the friction, or even the pain of pressure, without ever pausing to appreciate the profound privilege it signifies? Pressure is a marker of trust. It’s evidence that we have been entrusted with people, projects, organizations, and communities of great significance. It is an acknowledgment of our capacity to steward these things well.
As we prepare to lead in the coming year, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect. What does the privilege of pressure mean in your life? What opportunities or responsibilities have you been entrusted with that signify this privilege? How can we, as leaders, shift our mindset to not just endure pressure but embrace it with gratitude?
This reflection isn’t about ignoring the real challenges or minimizing the stress that often comes with leadership. Instead, it’s about reframing our perspective. Pressure doesn’t just weigh us down—it shapes us, refines us, and, when embraced with the right mindset, elevates us. It reminds us that we are operating at a level where our leadership and decisions have meaningful impact.
As we enter 2025, let’s commit to taking inventory of the pressures in our lives. Let’s name them, reflect on their significance, and approach them with a sense of gratitude and responsibility. Ask yourself:
What opportunities am I being trusted with?
How can I grow from the challenges I face?
What strategies will help me steward these opportunities well?
Looking ahead, I’m excited about the possibilities. Let’s make space for gratitude in the midst of pressure and approach the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and privilege. Leadership isn’t easy, but it’s a remarkable gift to be able to make an impact in the lives of others. Let’s steward this gift with care and intentionality.
January 2025